
By |January 12th, 2016|

As you all know, Acoustiguide has released Smart Solutions - This casing, wireless charging and distribution system allows sites to use the latest in off the shelf devices to share meaningful multimedia content to educate and entertain. The National Galle [...]

By |October 6th, 2015|

Here in the New York office we do a weekly round-up of things that inspire us. Art…museum news…something funny…a new app… an audio flippity-gibbet (yes, that’s the official term). And podcasts…which ones do we listen to and why? These days it’s hard to avoid talking about podcasts—they’re everywhere [...]

By |September 1st, 2015|

We collaborated with Lionsgate on the Hunger Games Exhibition project, which opened July 1 at Discovery Times Square, practically in our backyard. (Which makes it awfully convenient for our Operations staff…. ) (Our All Star Operations team onsite: Dhierry Clermont, Operations Manager, and Michael S [...]

By |March 24th, 2015|

Taking a mobile tour can be a solitary pursuit. Wearing headphones may be the only way to achieve a truly immersive sound experience but then you’re isolated in your own world. It’s the reason we recommend using our Opus device as a “wand”—you have one ear free to listen to the sounds (and people) a [...]

By |February 19th, 2015|

Those lyrics are from Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton,” now on stage at the Public Theater in New York. Yes, someone—a very talented someone—wrote a play/musical about Alexander Hamilton. You know—one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. An outsized (but unsung—at least until now) personalit [...]

By |September 16th, 2014|

Released last spring, but re-launching this fall with marketing to coincide with the new school year, the iPad application Bauvais –Amoureux House: the Story of Pelagie, caught the attention of a group of students in Ste. Genevieve, MO. The young people, who were already mounting a school and social [...]

By |August 28th, 2014|

“How do I know what I think until I see what I say?" So quoth the great EM Forster… (or did he?)** But it got us to thinking about how we write. We queried some of our favorite writers, a distinguished lot, all of them, to see how they manage their creative processes. Here’s some of what we heard: I [...]

By |July 3rd, 2014|

Ah, these are perilous times...navigating data usage plans, WiFi connections and downloadable content. It's sometimes hard to remember what life was like for all of us before any of this was possible...but we digress... Has this ever happened to you or someone you love**? A tourist from France visit [...]