Those lyrics are from Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton,” now on stage at the Public Theater in New York. Yes, someone—a very talented someone—wrote a play/musical about Alexander Hamilton. You know—one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. An outsized (but unsung—at least until now) personality who rose from nothing to do just about everything. And auteur Miranda saw in him a scrappy, ambitious, brilliant man worthy of a two plus hour stage production replete with hyper-energetic rap, dance, romance, and yes, a couple of duels.

We saw it and loved every minute on it. It’s on the edge of your seat good. Here’s the New York Times review . Try to score a ticket.

Don’t believe us? Here’s a preview :

If seeing the show (or simply reading about it) has piqued your curiosity, we have two recommendations where you can find more information about Hamilton. First, check out Hamilton Grange , in Upper Manhattan— Hamilton’s country house, today a National Park Service site.

There, in the exhibition space, you’ll find our self-guided audio tour; on the upper floor, NPS rangers lead tours that include snippets of Acoustiguide sound production to immerse you in place and time.

A bit further afield, but most certainly worth the journey from Port Authority, is the town of Paterson, New Jersey, home of the Great Falls of the Passaic River.

There Hamilton saw the potential to harness the power of the Falls and turn Paterson into a manufacturing capital that would give the young America economic independence from England. While you’re there, take the Mill Mile walking tour, which we produced for the Hamilton Partnership.

To download the tour, a map and to get more information, click here .